Timbeter Blog

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5 reasons why you should start using Timbeter right now

October 31, 2018
5 reasons why you should start using Timbeter right now
Have you ever wondered if all the measuring work was easier? Faster? More reliable? We are happy to share the instant wins on using Timbeter, a simple guide for everyone who have some doubts in using technology for timber measurement and data management. Hereby we write about the instant wins that you get when you start using Timbeter.


  1.       Save time from measurement

Measuring the diameters of the logs manually takes a lot of time, which could be used for different tasks. With Timbeter, you can do the needed measurements in just couple of minutes and gather all the data, which will be ready to be shared with partners or sent to reports. Timbeter will do the work quickly and accurately: all the data regarding the number of logs, volume, diameters available in digital form. You will save also time from paperwork – the measurement report is created instantly and you will find multiple options for compiling reports from our storage module.

  1.       Have objective and transparent results

Regarding the timber world, there’s still a high subjectivity and lack of transparency when it comes to timber measurement, especially in case of pulp and fuelwood. That’s understandable, as measuring a pulpwood pile log-by-log requires lot of time and the large piles or the small log diameters can lead to inaccurate results. With Timbeter, you can easily have objective and precise results, that can be easily controlled by both sellers and buyers at the same time. With Timbeter, you will always know what was measured, when and where.

  1.       Reduce human intervention and potential human error

With the timber measurement, it can happen that the scaler misses a couple of logs and gets mistaken when entering the data. Small errors are the hardest to discover and track, as well as the big errors coming from wrong proportions of diameter, pile volume or pile density. When using Timbeter, there’s no need to worry about measurement issues and common mistakes– even if the user makes a mistake, this can be easily tracked and corrected, through the application itself or our web storage module. As the data is always saved in digital form, with visual proof, no multiple data entries are needed, meaning that the amount of work is reduced and the accuracy is risen.

  1.       Settle disagreements quickly (or have no disagreements at all!)

It is quite often to have the situation when the selling and buying parts disagree on the volumes or coefficients of pile density they get in the measurement results regarding manual methods. Usually, it’s one word against one another and it doesn’t come to a reasonable solution as the timber is already unloaded to the larger pile or gone into production. With Timbeter, in the case of a debate or claim, all the digital proof about number of logs, diameters and volumes are available, meaning that evidence exists in digital form and can be used to easily solve these disagreements. All the measurements can be always controlled and rechecked in case of a claim.

  1.       Save papers and time from paperwork

What we see on a daily basis is that a lot of data is still on physical paper, which means that important documents can be damaged or get lost quite easily. When Timbeter is used, all the data is being backed-up in real time, stored and available in a digital form right after syncing with the web storage module. You can access, manage, forward and share data easily with team and different partners. All the needed reports can be easily compiled and downloaded in Excel or PDF format from the storage module.

So, as you can see, it is about time we ease the process of log measurement, all the paperwork and disagreement solving.  With the help of Timbeter, you can also have a better overview on the volumes in a different storage and be able to track all the measurements done. Try it out yourself today!

See it in action

First 10 measurements are free. No credit card required.