Timbeter Dashboard is a cloud-based solution that provides real-time overviews of your measurements

Carry out inventories quickly and efficiently, generate reports, manage measurements in just a few clicks.

Use your PC or laptop
Manage storages
Edit measurements

Timbeter Dashboard Features

Real-time overview
Real-time overview

Real-time overview of all measurements done with different devices.

Measurement editor
Measurement editor

Possibility to edit measurement on the desktop.


Timbeter’s inventories offer companies the possibility to control incoming and outgoing volumes.

Timber management
Timber management

Possibility to add own species, assortments, qualities, diameter profiles and culls.

Duplicate detection
Duplicate detection

Through Timbeter’s Dashboard, piles or parts of a pile that have been measured more than once are easily identified.

Excel reports
Excel reports

The results of measurements made with Timbeter can be easily downloaded in Excel format.

The first 10 measurements are free. No credit card required.
See it in action

First 10 measurements are free. No credit card required.