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Different uses of Timbeter for truck measurement

August 31, 2020
Different uses of Timbeter for truck measurement
Measuring logs loaded on trucks is a challenging task in different parts of the world. From the contact with poisonous animals that are transported by accident together with the logs from the forest, to the closeness to heavy machinery which can potentially lead to safety hazards, the measuring task can cause different issues throughout the supply chain.

For companies, measuring timber in trucks before unloading to the log yard saves a lot of time and effort. By using Timbeter on trucks, users can easily measure the diameters, density, volumes and many other relevant data, with safety from occupational hazards and digital data that can be shared in one click to different teams and managers.

Sawlogs leaving the gates and measured close to unsafe areas

For the trucks that need to be measured at the gates to follow their way to the sawmills, the diameter measurement from Timbeter can be used to determine the number of outcoming logs, geolocalization information, each and every diameter and the average diameter. This functionality can also gather the data regarding the plate number of the truck, the shipment number and, with additional custom field features, the name of the driver and other relevant information for the companies. All the data is available in real time and can be shared via email or through a link with the receiving part for the purpose of control and logistics planning. The information can be also synchronized to Timbeter’s Web Storage Module, which can be used for log-by-log reports, inventories and pricing arrangements according to the assortment, avoiding unwanted paperwork and overwork of the accounting side. 

Too many logs being loaded to the trucks

One of the many unique features from Timbeter includes a loading tool, made specially for the cases where logs along the roadside need to be loaded into trucks for transportation. By using Timbeter’s loading functionality, a certain volume from the pile is marked digitally, determining the exact amount of logs that need to be loaded. The main goal of this functionality is to optimize the loading activities as well as save time and guarantee that the right volume is being loaded, avoiding overloading, which might go against road regulations and machinery requirements. 

You can access the loading tool functionality by getting in contact with our team, as this functionality is on demand only

Volumes measured subjectively, causing inconsistencies throughout the supply chain

For measuring the volume of truck loads, Timbeter offers the opportunity to understand the different types of data and how they gather for an accurate result. Users can measure the density coefficient (the amount of wood without air and bark) and apply this coefficient to the truck measurement feature, meaning that this measurement can be done in different ways.

  • If a company uses a fixed coefficient for pile density, this can be applied to each and every load in order to obtain the total volume according to a standard. Users can simply apply the fixed coefficient to the truck measurement functionality and get the results instantly. 
  • If the user wants to compile information regarding the truck measurement for accuracy of the density, they can use, in the first place, the density measurement every time new logs are loaded to the truck. By getting the unique density coefficient to each load, the result can be applied to the truck measurement separately, giving the most unique and accurate results. 
  • If the user has the density measurement of the overall pile from Timbeter’s result, they can also add it a single time for all the loads, giving an overview of the volumes loaded.

Paperwork being lost, damaged or improperly filled

By using our Storage Module, companies can synchronize all the data with their own databases, making it easier to track and control the incoming and outcoming volumes from trucks. The Storage Module also provides real time information regarding the shipment numbers, driver’s license plates and name of the driver, as well as the digital image of each and every truck, which can be shared via email or URL link. 

Start measuring trucks with Timbeter now. If you want to know more about the different functionalities and how they can be beneficial to your company, contact us by writing to info@timbeter.com.

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First 10 measurements are free. No credit card required.