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Get to know the most used tree species on Timbeter

August 19, 2019
Get to know the most used tree species on Timbeter
Did you know that Timbeter can measure all types of roundwood, has 12 tree species available in the app and you can easily insert new species through our Storage Module? 

Our team researched the most common roundwood species all over the world and, with the help of our users, we are introducing new tree species to our solution, according to the industry needs. 

Timbeter’s functionalities were made thinking about the methods of measurement of roundwood, meaning that with a simple click, you will get precise results on diameter, pile volume, truck volume and density coefficient, wherever you are, whenever you need. And, of course, in a quick and digital way, since all the measurements are available online and can be easily shared between the parts during the process. 

Some of the tree species available are ideal for the diameter measurement and some are mostly measured for pile volume, as well as the volumes in a truck. Below, you can find a quick guide through the available tree species and the best ways to measure them with Timbeter. 

Pine is an evergreen conifer which is spread in a few parts of the Southern Hemisphere and all over the Northern Hemisphere from the Equator to the Arctic. Depending on the climate zones, pines can grow either high on the mountains or on the plain (including coastlines and beaches). There are about 130 pine species in the world, and all of them are being actively used in agriculture, pharmaceutical purposes, construction, etc. Pines are the most commercially valuable tree species due to their significant timber quality. From the pine family, North-American native Douglas fir species is also commonly measured by our users in the northern hemisphere.  

Spruce comes from the genus of about 35 species of conifers called Pinaceae. These conifers are mainly widespread in the northern temperate climate zones: Norway, Sweden, Russia, Japan, North America and Canada. Even though spruce is relatively soft, it is widely used for a variety of purposes. Spruce is useful as a building wood, pulpwood, and also as a source of valuable essential oils.

Birch is a thin-leaved tree which is mainly widespread in the Northern Hemisphere and constitutes the forest-firming formation for deciduous and mixed coniferous forests. Birch can be characterized as a hardwood tree with the recognizable bark marked with horizontal lenticels. Due to its hardness, birch is widely used as firewood and also for plywood and lumber production. Extracts of birch are popular ingredients for cosmetics, flavouring and leather oiling.

Aspen trees are native to regions with cool summers, as in the north of the Northern Hemisphere, in environments dominated by coniferous species. Populus, as classified by botanists, evolved several adaptations in order to survive in different environments, such as dropping leaves in the winter to prevent damage from heavy snow and photosynthetic bark, which allows the tree to keep growing even after the leaves have been dropped. 

Alder is a common name of a tree genus which belongs to the birch family Betulaceae and consists of almost 40 species. 
Alder might be either a tree or a shrub depending on a certain area and the environmental conditions. Its habitat mainly belongs to the north temperate zone, though some species can be found in Bengal, Central America and the Andes. Alder is distributed in the areas of moist soils and swamps. 
Alder wood is not a really strong, but a water-resistant one, so this quality makes it useful for underwater constructions. Apart from that, it is widely used in making woodworking products.

Grey Alder
Grey (or speckled) alder is a species of alder native to the cooler parts of the Northern Hemisphere (being typical for almost the whole of Europe, Transcaucasia, Siberia, Northern America, etc). Its seeds are usually easily spread and this species is often characterized by its fertility. Unlike the black alder wood, grey alder wood is much softer. It is widely used for underwater construction since it is water-resistant and can also handle dramatic temperature changes.

Black Alder
Black alder, which belongs to the family Betulaceae, is native to most of Europe, Asia and Northern Africa. These species grow under the circumstances of moist soils (either river or lake banks, fens and swamps) and plenty of daylight. Its wood is rather light and soft with the homogeneous wood structure. It is mainly used for plywood and particle boards production, coal production and also popular with underwater construction due to its water-resistance.

Ash is a flowering plant in the olive family which contains up to 60 species. It is widely spread across much of Europe, Asia and North America in the places of moist and fertile soils. Ash is a hardwood, which is dense, strong and elastic. Ash is popular in veneer production; ash veneer is then used for musical instruments, finishing and furniture production.

Oak belongs to the beech family and consists of approximately 600 different species. Oaks are native to the Northern Hemisphere; some of the species are spread even in tropical areas. North America and China are considered to be the biggest centres of oak diversity. 
Oak is famous for its spirally arranged leaves, acorns and strong and hard timber (its density is about 0,75 g/cm3). The latter makes oak wood a popular material which is commonly used for furniture making, building construction, flooring and veneer production. Oak is very popular with spirits production as it is used for barrel-making and corks (wine stoppers) production.

Cedar (or Cedrus) is a coniferous tree adapted to the mountainous climate and native to the Mediterranean region and the western Himalayas; it is also widely present in Japan and Crimea region. Cedarwood and oils are famous for their repellent characteristics. Apart from that, valuable and strong cedarwood is widely used for shipbuilding and construction.

EucalyptusMost species of Eucalyptus are native to Australia, being present in about three-quarters of Australian forests. Eucalyptus is one of the most valuable materials in the world, being available in 900 species and making part of economic development in more than 100 countries. 
The importance of Eucalyptus comes to the fact that it is being grown all over the world due to their fast growth and valuable timber, cellulose mass and essential produce, such as oils and honey. One interesting fact is that Eucalyptus species are adapted to fire and are able to resprout after wildfires and have seeds which survive high temperatures.

Cypress is an evergreen coniferous tree which belongs to the family Cupressaceae; it’s habitat are the northern temperate regions. This coniferous family consists of up to 30 different genera. Cypress is mainly spread in the northern hemisphere, in North America and Eastern Asia up to the Mediterranean region.

When using Timbeter, you can use one of the above species for your measurements as well as add new tree species through our Storage Module. The Storage Module is easily integrated with the mobile application and the customized information will be available after synchronizing the device. For adding new tree species, click on the upper right corner and “Timber”. You can add new species clicking on the “+” symbol.

Some species, such as eucalyptus and pine are mostly used on the pile measurements for companies working with paper production while oak, ash and alder can be measured with our diameter functionality, since these woods are perfect for sawmills. You can find different types of measurements that will be fit for your needs. If you want to know more about how Timbeter can make your work faster, more effective and accurate, contact us!

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