Timbeter Blog

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How do you organize your Timbeter storages?

September 16, 2019
How do you organize your Timbeter storages?

One of the most important tools provided by Timbeter is the Storage Module. The Storage Module enables companies to have the data regarding species, assortments, diameter profiles and reasons of defect according to their own needs. All the information is being synchronized with the application, so users making the measurements have customized data instantly available. Storage Module also contains all the data regarding the storages where the user can organize their measurements. 

We all know that each pile is unique and, therefore, needs to be placed correctly – from geographical location to destination, from species to production, so having the storages organized accordingly makes the process much easier. 

You can add an unlimited number of storages in the Storage Module itself, as seen below. Each storage can have a proper name, location and state – such as “in process”, “on hold”, “finished”, which helps users to correctly place the piles measured into the right places and the right part of the process. 
If you want to add a storage or multiple ones, you can click on “add” or “add from CSV”.  

You can, after it, assign a name and correct the coordinates, meaning that a certain storage will belong to one location. The storage status can also be set according to the part of the process. 

This is a useful way to understand where the measurements are coming from, especially if a company is using multiple devices, so each device can be related to a certain storage, avoiding human error and misinformation. 

When a user goes to the app, it will be shown a search bar for the storage. In case a company has multiple storages (as a use case, one of our customers has more than 700 storages), it’s easier to find the right one.  

After setting it up, making a measurement and synchronizing the information, the storage will be available in the Storage Module containing all the measurements made to it. 

When clicking on the storage name, the user will be able to see all the measurements located there, as well as coordinates, last update date, status, number of logs and total volume.

By clicking on the right side graphics icon, information of tree species, starting date and volume will be shown – if the pile measurement is applied to the measurement type. If only diameter measurement is applied, the data regarding volumes will be nullified. 

Keep in mind the best measurement type for the piles which are being measured and have all the information available and organized on our Storage Module.

Have you already tried our Storage Module and other Timbeter services? To know more, get in contact with us on info@timbeter.com

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First 10 measurements are free. No credit card required.