Timbeter Blog

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How you can customize Timbeter according your company’s needs

July 23, 2018
How you can customize Timbeter according your company’s needs

Sometimes we receive questions from our users including: if we accept only the diameters from 15-45 cm, can instantly see the logs what are out of the range? Is it possible to add prices to timber? Some have doubts about using Timbeter as there are no specific species available. Or maybe the reasons for culling are different than in Timbeter’s database.

No worries! Timbeter’s storage module has been built so, that anyone can easily add its own species, assortments and reasons of cull, being also possible to see the total value of timber.  The storage module is synchronized with the device used for making the measurements, so all the information connected to storages and species will be appearing also in the device(s).

But let’s start at the beginning. Timbeter’s storage module can be logged in from www.timbeter.com. Use the same credentials you used during the registration (email and password). All the measurements done by organization’s devices are stored in the storage module.

The entire administration of a company’s data takes place in the Manage menu.

How you can customize Timbeter according your company’s needs


Timber includes wood type, wood qualities, wood assortments, and culls. It is easy to add either new wood type or wood quality: just click the “Add” on the right upper corner.

How you can customize Timbeter according your company’s needs


How you can customize Timbeter according your company’s needs


If a company using specific assortments, then the user can also have an overview of the value of timber. For adding new wood assortment, following information is required: wood type, wood quality, log length and price.


In case of cull by default, the following reasons are available: wrong length, rot, crookedness and wrong diameter. When the user has marked the reason for cull, Timbeter also calculates the volume and shows the percentage of cull from the total volume.



In addition to that, every user can easily add their own reasons of cull.



Many of our customers have certain diameter ranges that they accept. We have made it easier to set the exact parameters for diameters, so everything that is out of the range is automatically determined as cull. Wrong diameters can be determined from the storage, setting the minimum and maximum. This means that all the logs that are out of the range of for example 6-60 cm are automatically set as cull.



Hopefully, this blog post will make things a bit clearer. Let us know what features you would like to see in Timbeter!

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