Timbeter Blog

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New feature: customized fields

October 3, 2019
New feature: customized fields
For Timbeter team, it has been extremely important since the beginning to have our solution used in every part of the world, by any party that needs to measure timber: private forest owners, sawmills, exporters. Timbeter is not only speeding up the measurement process but also attaching important information to the measurement. Naturally, everything is done in a digital format. 

For example, for incoming trucks, it is easy to add the license plate number, the truck driver’s name, the weight of the load and the shipment number, everything to make easier to track each and every incoming shipment. All the data is organized in an accurate way and can be used instantly for accounting or sales documentation. So say “bye bye” all the paper-documents and shipping papers that get wet or lost so easily.

It has been critical for us to provide possibilities for companies to customize our solution according to their needs – whenever it comes to the species, wood qualities, assortments, reasons of defect or diameter classes. So, any company or user can easily insert their specific information from the storage module and that information also appears in the Timbeter application. 

Now, we are happy to announce that we have added a new functionality that helps even more companies to use Timbeter according to their needs: the customized fields. This means that an user/company can add custom fields from the storage module to attach important information to the specific measurement: a subcontractors name; production line number or any other needed data. A company can easily connect any relevant information that helps to keep all the required information organized and get reports done quickly from the storage module.

Even though Timbeter is a digital solution, it enables account managers to easily print out the documentation. For example, if there’s a private forest owner selling the timber, the company can quickly measure the pile and print out the document that has all substantial information attached to that: the photo of the pile with detected diameters, diameter distribution, volume, species and etc. There’s no need to specially design a document, as everything is instantly available after the measurement is made. All you need to do is to click on the “PDF” icon on the detailed view of the measurement in the storage module.

For the ones who have been sceptical if Timbeter is able to fulfill all their requirements regarding the specific information fields related to the measurement, we provide an alternative to old-style manual measurements which are error prone. You have now the option to insert any information field you need yourselves to make work with timber even easier. Contact our support team here, to know more about this special feature.

See it in action

First 10 measurements are free. No credit card required.