Timbeter Blog

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Sharing information – why Timbeter is useful for sellers and buyers

August 26, 2019
Sharing information – why Timbeter is useful for sellers and buyers

When it comes to measuring logs manually and sharing information between the parts, some information can be inserted incorrectly or simply be lost in the process. The data retention is, by itself, a process that needs attention and accuracy in order to establish a good relationship with contractors, business partners, logistic companies, sellers, buyers in general. When a company starts using Timbeter and measuring logs in a digital way, all the data is saved and synchronized with the Storage Module, making it easily shareable between all the responsible individuals in the process and avoiding claims. Transparency, digital proofs and visual assets are essential for the process to go on smoothly and, together, they give the perfect sense of trust for those who are trading such valuable materials as timber. 

Both Regular and Container versions of Timbeter allow users to share data from the logs measured, via mobile application and via Storage Module. The Container version allows users to organize the containers via Bill of Lading and all the measurements have a visual proof – a picture of the measurement – that can be shared in real time with buyers from the other side of the world, guaranteeing quality and precision at the exact moment when the logs are being shipped. 

The Regular version allows measurers to send their measurements instantly to truck drivers, logistics department and management for inventories and organization of their stocks, avoiding double measurements, unnecessary transportation and even for a quality and quantity double-check. 

How to share information with Timbeter?

Via app, after you finish a measurement, you can go to “View Results”, click on a measurement and share the information – as original or engraved – via email, messenger apps, etc. The information will be with your partners in no time. 

If you are using the Storage Module, simply click on the storage you want to share and in the right icon, as shown below. It will prove a URL that can be accessed by the partnering parts on the desktop or mobile phone. 

If you want to share a single measurement, you can click on the measurement and get its public URL as well. This information can also be shared easily among the parts. 

Besides the public URL, you can also get the PDF file referring to the measurement, which will show the available measurement data and can be saved and shared via email, for example. 

You can also share Timbeter’s information internally through the API. All information available on Timbeter’s Storage Module can go directly to your own database and can be fed to logistics, management and financial department. If you want to know more about API integration, contact our team here

Pretty easy, right?
As a digital solution, Timbeter allows real time information sharing between the parts, avoiding claims, unnecessary transportation and giving transparency and trust during timber trade. It also avoids the commercialization of piles of logs that are not regulated or seem suspicious, as our database provides geolocation and visual proof of the measurement. 

Timbeter is also the right solution to share information internally, as the logistics planning. When the information is precise and in real time, it’s easier to optimise processes. Currently, we are working together with companies who are modernizing their planning via Timbeter, to avoid extra costs in transportation, losses in general and unfit piles to be stored in their factories. 

It also helps companies to control their contractors, by providing them the digital proof of the measurement made, which avoid unregulated measurements and trade. In general, having more transparency in the measurements is the only way to make partnerships trustworthy and fair. What are you waiting for? Start using Timbeter today!

See it in action

First 10 measurements are free. No credit card required.