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Single shot or panorama? Longer or shorter reference? The most common questions from our new users

October 25, 2019
Single shot or panorama? Longer or shorter reference? The most common questions from our new users

It is very common that our new users have many questions on how to use Timbeter perfectly. The technology always acts the same way, but depending on the user, one can get very precise results or very wrong results with Timbeter. In this article, we will explain what to do in one or another situation regarding the picture mode.

Rule #1 Prefer using single shot to a panorama picture

Very often our clients ask how they should act when they need to measure a larger pile or what is the maximum distance to take a picture. As the detection has improved significantly on the step-by-step process, it is easy to make a picture even from a distance of 30 to 50 meters. In that meaning, whenever there’s enough room to go further from the pile to capture it with the single measurement, then this should be the preferred option.

If there’s not enough room to move further, then the best option is to make panorama measurement. In case of a panorama measurement, users need to move in parallel to the pile, to avoid any distortion. Unfortunately this is the case where mistakes often take place, as the user have a problem with controlling their movement. Option also is to divide the pile into sections and make one picture from each section.

Rule #2 The longer reference, the better

The reference required by Timbeter is an object with at least 1 meter long, a measurement tape or stick will do. Always keep in mind that the longer the reference is, the better. If a user makes a mistakes with 1 m reference by setting it 1 cm less or more, then the possible error rate is already 1%. If the reference is 2 meters long, then the mistake of 1 cm will result in 0,5 % error. So therefore, to minimize the possible error margin made by users, always use a longer reference. Of course, it is important to mention that reference mistakes can always be corrected in the device and also in the storage module. It is important to mention also that QR codes can be used as reference. In that case, there’s a need to place at least 5 QR codes on the pile in order to have the correct and precise measurement.

Rule #3. In case of uneven logs, just make a measurement from further distance

Stacking quality may have an effect on the precision of Timbeter. The easiest way to avoid errors is just to step back a little and make the measurement from a further distance. Also, this effect occurs when making measurements from a very close distance (even if the stacking is more or less OK). Measurements should not be made closer than a 3 to 5 meters distance.

The easiest way to avoid any mistakes is to watch our Timbeter tutorial videos and go through the tutorials in the mobile application. Always, if you have any issues or problems, our team is here to help.

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