Timbeter Blog

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Timbeter panorama now improved!

July 30, 2018
Timbeter panorama now improved!
We are delighted to announce that we have improved the panorama measurement feature. Meaning that Timbeter panorama is now quicker, more precise and easier to use.

Timbeter panorama functionality helps to measure large piles of logs.

Timbeter panorama enables to stitch together up to 25 pictures. It can be used in diameter, pile or truck measurement mode.

14,000 is the largest number of logs via the feature that has been done so far.

Can you imagine counting each one of them manually? The pile measurement functionality draws the automatic pile contour, plus it is possible to mark the pile heights after every 1,3 or 5 meters.

How Timbeter panorama works

However, in order to achieve the maximum potential of the feature you will need to follow these exact instructions: always move in parallel to the pile and don’t make too many big steps. And don’t forget that you always need to hold the tablet at a straight 90-degree angle.

Using the panorama feature is simple. When you start measuring choose the panorama functionality icon.

How Timbeter panorama works

Mark the base of the pile with a green line.

Then you can control that you maintain the same distance from the pile.

Tap on the camera icon to take your 1st photo. You will see the notification that 1 image has been added.

Move 2-3 steps to the right until the green box appears in the middle of the screen. NB! You must move in parallel to the pile.

Make a new picture. If you have moved too much the screen notifies that image couldn’t be added and that you need to go back few steps and try again.

If you have done enough pictures to get the full pile measured, tap “Ready”. Timbeter will stitch together the pictures.

Here’s also a video of how the panorama measurement works:


Doesn’t it sound easy? Go and try out yourself!

See it in action

First 10 measurements are free. No credit card required.