Timbeter Blog

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Top 10 Timbeter User Questions & How to Overcome Them

November 8, 2017
Top 10 Timbeter User Questions & How to Overcome Them
Confused over which formula to use? How to measure timber accurately? Or about using Timbeter? We are here to help! Everyday at Timbeter, the team receive a lot of different questions from users, clients and the general public. To improve customer satisfaction, I’ve compiled several questions from our potential Timbeter users, which will help and make measurements a breeze!

1 – Does Timbeter work even without internet connection?

It sure does! You can make your measurements with Timbeter even in locations without internet connection. As soon as you get back to a coverage area, the data will be automatically sent to the web storage module, where you can edit and create reports.


2 – Cubic meters or board feet? Should I convert it?

Different countries use different methods to measure logs. Timbeter has a number of formulae, both in metric and imperial system, so your measurements will be made with complete accuracy and transparency. If you still have doubts, check out this blog post about which popular timber measurement formulae you can use.


3 – What kind of research do you make to test precision and repeatability of the system?

As Tanel (senior engineer at Timbeter) explains, Timbeter has a log detection process based on machine learning. This process includes a multiple step algorithm that begins with initial log verification, through multiple refining and additional detections.


4 – Are cubic meters different in different countries?

If you have doubts related to results in different countries or regions, it’s due to the formulae used on each of the parts (the seller and buyer may differ when talking about formulae). The result unit – cubic meter or board foot – will never change, what changes is the rounding made by different formulae in the measurements, as told by our CTO Martin.


5 – Why do different formulae provide different results?

Each formula uses an unique method and, specifically, a unique way to calculate and also to round the numbers. Besides this, some formulae are table based (like GOST, for example), which provides different results. Timbeter allows you to choose the formula of your preference before doing any measurements.


6 – Does Timbeter measure diameters with or without bark?

Timbeter measure diameters without bark, with the exception of formulae that require bark in the results, which are mathematically added (for example, the Lithuanian formula measures with bark).


7 – What is the reference? And why do I need one?

In order to establish more accurate measurements, you need to use a measurement stick, tape or other object with a determinate size and different color, with at least a minimum 1 meter length. The reference stick can be on any level on the pile but must be parallel. Then within the application, you need to ensure that the reference red line will be exactly at the same size given by the measurement stick. It will make your log measurements more accurate, since they will have this static data as a reference.


8 – How can I send my data to the buyer or seller?

Timbeter has a web storage module that allows creating easy and fast reports from each measurement. It’s super easy to send this data through a link. Access all your data through the storage module here.


9 – Why is it that sometimes, Timbeter is unable to recognize the logs?

Primarily, this is related to poor light exposure. When taking your picture, make sure you balance the light or shadow on the sun icon in the right size. With the perfect exposure, your logs will be measured accurately.


10 – Why should I use Timbeter instead of manually measuring my logs?

Well, there’s a plenty of good reasons. First of all, measuring your logs manually is time and money consuming, as Timbeter CEO Vallo demonstrates here. Secondly, it is way more accurate, ensuring you get a better price for your timber. Lastly, the world is increasingly becoming more digital, so why not get rid of tons of paper and send your reports in seconds? Using Timbeter makes your work more transparent and productive even by taking your first photo!

With ten free pictures available to you, why not give us a try? 

If you still have questions, don’t hesitate to get in contact with the team.

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First 10 measurements are free. No credit card required.