Timbeter Blog

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Trial period with Timbeter: how to get the best results?

August 2, 2018
Trial period with Timbeter: how to get the best results?
“Go to the forest,” we say. The ultimate way to understand and find out what’s the best use for Timbeter is experimenting with the software in real time, and accepting that whilst change can be daunting, understand that Timbeter will bring crucial and positive changes to your business.

At the Timbeter office, part of our daily schedules is to collaborate ourselves with new users. Using Timbeter for the first time can be challenging but, also, an interesting and positive experience for forestry professionals, students, and engineers alike, since the solution consists of a process in which users place a measuring stick close to the pile and take a picture of it to analyze results in a rapid and accurate way.

So, once you have downloaded Timbeter on your tablet or smartphone, been through the registration process and made the first test tutorial. Now it’s time to liaise yourself with our support team whilst joining our free trial! When you on a free trial period with Timbeter, here are a few helpful tips to consider:

1 – Go to the forest

Timbeter’s AI is developed daily to detect… yes, you’ve guessed it, logs! If Timbeter detects something that doesn’t look like a log or doesn’t seem natural, some differences in the results are likely to appear. This happens because, as the human eye, Timbeter’s technology can understand what’s a log is by its shape, color, physical appearance and light conditions.

The detection process analyzes each log individually with about 2000 different points marked. If, for example, instead of a real log, the user decides to take pictures of a computer screen, the smart technology will then detect pixels instead of wood.

That’s how accurate Timbeter is! So, rather than take images on your computer screen, take your team and plan to go to the forest and take pictures with the help of Timbeter.


2 – Don’t be afraid to commit mistakes

Timbeter is a pioneering technology in the forestry sector where some technical gadgetry and other “modern” devices are not fully available yet. For example, the expression “Forestry 4.0” started being used at the beginning of 2017 and the most relevant articles regarding the theme date from the first semester of 2018.

At Timbeter our mission is to replace manual measuring, and this can be daunting for many who are used to doing log measuring manually for decades. You can read the 10 most common reasons why users hesitate using Timbeter here.

When in the forest, don’t be afraid to take multiple pictures; find the perfect angle, luminosity and understand the best functionality to measure your logs. Test the reference stick, test different formulas, make as many measurements as you need – our team provides unlimited pictures with your trial, so users can always experiment and make mistakes until they finally make the perfect measurement.

3 – Always keep in touch

Our team is here to help!

You can communicate with us via phone, email, Skype, and Intercom. If authorized by you, we can also check your results in real time (in case you have an internet connection for synchronizing the measurements) and give you the best advice for making your measurements more accessible and accurate.

We have access to your measurements, technology, and experience with Timbeter, so it’s our mission to educate our users, to demonstrate how the solution will be more suitable to their workflows and to analyze the pictures being made.


4 – Explore the Storage Module

Part of your trial requires you to check how the Web Storage Module works. After making your measurements and synchronizing them, you can log in to the Storage Module (http://app.timbeter.com).

There, it’s possible to understand better how the process works, including the possibility to make reports, organize inventories, edit data regarding the wood types, cull and assortments, remeasure the logs, compare results and much more. Timbeter works amazingly on its own, but the help provided by the storage module is how users become expert power users.


5 – Feedback is essential

Whenever a user decides to go on a trial period with Timbeter, our team is preapred for all the possible questions and different concerns to demonstrate how best to use Timbeter.

We are aware that doubts appear and, sometimes, an inaccurate measurement can be frustrating – but we always have an answer for you! For the team, it’s imperative to receive feedback from our users on trial, since they will be facing real situations using Timbeter and can contribute to technical improvements, making Timbeter flawless.

Some changes are already being implemented thanks to suggestions provided by our users. So, when your trial period is done, don’t forget to show us your results so that we can better understand your needs, your logs and your expectations towards using Timbeter.


Have you downloaded Timbeter already? Stay in touch for giving us suggestions, asking us questions and, of course, asking us for a free trial period with unlimited measurements.

We are waiting for you!

See it in action

First 10 measurements are free. No credit card required.