Timbeter Blog

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Why is a picture made with regular camera not enough for Timbeter?

November 12, 2019
Why is a picture made with regular camera not enough for Timbeter?
From time-to-time, our team receives one interesting question: Can I use the regular camera to take a picture from the pile and then process the measurement with the help of Timbeter?

The answer is NO. Why? Because we want the measurement results to be precise, digital and made with high speed. All that can only be guaranteed if you make measurements with Timbeter solution on your smartphone or tablet.

High precision

If a user is making measurements, then it is a MUST to use the reference or QR codes. Reference (any measurement tape or stick) helps the solution to calibrate the measurement and to make sure that the result is correct. If using QR codes, there must be minimum 5 QR codes on the pile, so Timbeter can use these as reference.

Secondly, Timbeter has a built-in angle sensor that helps to avoid any distortion. This means that users need to make measurements on a 90 degree angle. In case of down-hill measurement there’s also a possibility to calibrate the device accordingly, but as the default setting, all the measurement need to be made under this standard that ensures the correct measurement result.

Digital data

And we mean that not only the picture is digital but the DATA connected to the picture is digital. Geotag, measurement results (log count, volume, diameters), time-stamps, species, assortments – this is all important information that is connected to a single measurement. We’ve heard about the examples where companies were using digital cameras and Excels to keep the track on measurements, but that didn’t bring any result. All the piles were really similar and later it was very difficult to connect each picture to the correct measurement result. In addition to the data mentioned, users can connect any custom data to the measurements: truck number, contractors or drivers names, etc. All the data is stored on Timbeter’s Storage Module, where it is easy to download Excels, PDFs and filter out everything needed by storage, data, measurement type etc. What is also important – one company can have multiple devices, so all the data comes together from the field.


Using Timbeter takes exactly the same time as making a picture with regular cameras. But, in addition to the picture, you have the measurements results and all the connected data with it. This means that you will save significantly time from the further paperwork! Making pictures with a camera will require time to connect the camera to the computer to pull in the pictures. With Timbeter, all the measurements are automatically synchronized with the Storage Module, where users have full overview, can share the measurements, compile reports and so much more.

So, if you have used the regular camera to make pictures from the piles as proof, then it is the final time to switch to Timbeter. Get precise digital results quickly – and it is as easy as making pictures with regular camera. Download and start making measurements now!


See it in action

First 10 measurements are free. No credit card required.