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CMPC Chile: Timbeter helps to save time, people’s health and also… paint

November 15, 2019
CMPC Chile: Timbeter helps to save time, people’s health and also… paint
Timbeter has worked for nearly 2 years with CMPC, the largest pulp-and paper company (according to Forbes Global 2000-2018 ranking) from Chile.

We asked some questions from Julio Tobar, the Project Manager of CMPC on the experience using Timbeter.

1.      What are the results of Timbeter implementation?

In addition to the significant time saving I would like to point out the transparency Timbeter brings to the whole supply chain. As everything can be easily tracked, all the measurements are done in an objective way, we can say that Timbeter has contributed a lot to the healthy atmosphere in our company. Also, during these 2 years we haven’t had any fatal accidents in our company. The employees dealing with measurements are usually in a high risk, because they can easily get hit by the log when dealing with the measurements around the machines. Thanks to Timbeter, they can now make measurements from the further distance and therefore there’s less risk for them.

2.      Did you have any unexpected results thanks to Timbeter?

Something we didn’t expect but we will reduce the amount of paint used for 45% out of 45 tonnes. As we used to paint the numbers on the logs with the spray paint but now all diameters are available in digital form, we have significant savings also from using the paint. Further, Timbeter improves the wellness of our people at work keeping them far away from dust, cold, sun and softly promotes them into digital transformation.

3.      What has changed in your daily operations?

Thanks to Timbeter we can now plan our logistics not based on the storage volumes, but based on the pile volumes. The data is more detailed and allows to optimize planning process.

4.      What are you next plans with Timbeter?

We will evaluate how to use it for truck measuring. 

5.       What advice would you give to those not using Timbeter yet?  

Definitely, Timbeter is something that you should know, chocolate or beer, it doesn’t matter, you have to try it at least once.

Watch the video produced by CMPC on the use of Timbeter

See it in action

First 10 measurements are free. No credit card required.