Timbeter Blog

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How Timbeter can support social distancing in the forestry sector

March 25, 2020
How Timbeter can support social distancing in the forestry sector
During these difficult times, the number one challenge we are facing is to keep employees safe and support social distancing among collaborators, their families, and the general population. With that in mind, we wanted to explain how Timbeter can help companies to keep employees safe and still keep their needed operations running.

First of all, Timbeter makes it possible to have only one person conducting the measurement processes or organizing the inventories. A single user simply needs to place the reference on the pile, make a picture with a tablet/phone using the Timbeter Mobile Application and the needed result is available in just a couple of minutes, avoiding unnecessary contact and making the processes as fast as possible.

All the information will be automatically available in the cloud after synchronization with an Internet connection, meaning that people in other locations (for example in the home-office) can easily have a real-time overview of the activities happening in the log yard or forest. So, the people responsible for the sales or logistics planning have all the needed data (volumes, assortments, etc) even from far away. Managers have an overview of the workers on the field and are sure that all the tasks are being conducted on time, resulting in safer management and ensuring the well being of collaborators.

It is also possible to conduct contact-free sales transactions – for example when the truck arrives in the log yard, the collaborator will conduct the measurement of the truck and share it instantly with the truck driver and the needed staff. Truck drivers can safely stay in the cabin without having any personal contact, not even for sharing paperwork since Timbeter provides all results digitally. All this information in a digital format helps to avoid also the situations that information gets lost due to misplaced or missing papers.

Safety has been one of the key benefits reported by our users. Until now, Timbeter has helped to keep forestry workers away from heavy machinery when measuring. Timbeter also helps to keep workers away from dust, burning sun or insects by simply enabling them to conduct all the measurement processes in a much quicker and easier way.

Now we see that our solution helps companies run their operations in these turbulent times, but still keeping their employees safe.

Stay healthy and if you need our support, please get in contact with us on info@timbeter.com

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First 10 measurements are free. No credit card required.