Timbeter Blog

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Interview with Krit Sanaluck from Siam Forestry

May 17, 2019
Interview with Krit Sanaluck from Siam Forestry
Our team asked some questions from Krit Sanaluck from Siam Forestry, part of Siam Cement Group. Siam Cement Group is a conglomerate company from Thailand with  3 core business (Building material, Packaging, Chemicals). Krit Sanaluck is working for the packaging business sub group.

How did you first find information about Timbeter?

I first found out about Timbeter when I was searching for something that would help me to measure the size of the log diameters.

What do you use Timbeter for?

We currently use Timbeter to measure the log diameters and to see what is the amount of the logs that are below our standard (2 inches).

How did the workers perceive the innovation implementation? And how did the transition from a manual method go?

In the beginning is seemed to be a bit difficult to use – mainly because of the language issues. But after using it 1-2 months, we learned about the solution and everything started to be done much faster than before. My staff prefers to use Timbeter because they can use the results to negotiate with farmers clearly.

What are the results of Timbeter implementation?

It has been very good, the number of measurements is constantly increasing. We also determined the diameters classification, so it can be instantly seen how many logs and the percentage of volume belongs to certain group of diameters, which made the process even quicker and easier.

What is your experience with Timbeter team?

The support works very well, please keep it.

What do you like most about Timbeter?

There’s only a few steps in the process to get the results and log diameters are detected accurately.

Who else could benefit from using Timbeter? Who would you recommend it to?

I definitely recommend it to any company that conduct business in SCG or another company that have business similar to our company.
Timbeter is useful for pulp mills and the people who are responsible for receiving and buying logs before sending these to production.

What product enhancements would you like to see and why?

For me it would be beneficial if we could integrate Timbeter with our payment system, so we could automate our purchase process even more. Also, we would like to see that we could customize data also from the app directly.

What advice would you give to those not using Timbeter yet?

Please use it, Timbeter helps you to get accurate results on the log diameters measurement more efficiently.

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First 10 measurements are free. No credit card required.