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Timbeter and Mendel University: Pioneering Sustainable Forestry Through Innovation and Research

August 22, 2024
Timbeter and Mendel University: Pioneering Sustainable Forestry Through Innovation and Research

Mendel University in Brno, known for its focus on forestry and environmental sciences, has made significant progress by partnering with Timbeter. This collaboration is set to transform how students and researchers measure and manage wood resources, improving both education and practical applications in sustainable forestry.

Under the guidance of Assistant Professor Veronika Hunková, students have been using Timbeter’s advanced measurement technology in their studies. This year, the partnership has expanded to include the university’s research projects as well. A key research goal is to accurately measure the volumes of log stacks at the university’s sawmill before they go through electronic log reception. Accurate measurements are essential for optimizing sawmill operations, reducing waste, and ensuring the sustainable use of resources.

The university’s sawmill processes various types of wood, including both hardwood and softwood species. Timbeter’s technology offers a reliable and efficient way to measure these logs, helping to streamline operations and improve accuracy. This not only benefits the sawmill but also gives students hands-on experience with cutting-edge tools in their field.

An exciting part of this year’s collaboration is a special mission to Cambodia. As part of a university project, a team will travel to Cambodia to help develop sawmill processing for wood from acacia and teak plantations. This international project highlights the global relevance and impact of Timbeter’s technology and Mendel University’s commitment to promoting sustainable forestry practices around the world.

Mendel University and Timbeter

Throughout the year, Timbeter will continue to be integrated into university courses and practical sessions, giving students valuable experience in sustainable forest management. The use of this technology in education ensures that future foresters are trained in transparency, efficiency, and conservation, preparing them to address the challenges of modern forestry.

At Timbeter, we are proud to support young foresters in learning about sustainable forest management. Our mission aligns with Mendel University’s goals: to conserve vital forestry resources, including trees, labor, and operational efficiency. By equipping the next generation of forestry professionals with the tools and knowledge they need, we contribute to a more sustainable and resource-efficient future.

This partnership is more than just a technological integration; it is a step towards a better-managed and more sustainable world. As Mendel University and Timbeter continue to work together, the future of forestry looks brighter, marked by innovation, efficiency, and a strong commitment to preserving our planet’s precious resources. 

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