Timbeter Blog

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Timbeter and Universities – Educating the Future Foresters

March 5, 2018
Timbeter and Universities – Educating the Future Foresters

Since the beginning, Timbeter’s goal has been to make the foresters and timber-related people work smarter, more efficient and digital.  Our work has included working with different educational institutions and universities to educate and train the future foresters about the new technologies. Why not research Timbeter at your university or educational institution?

More and more educational establishments including universities are beginning to use the software to educate and develop future foresters and timber professionals, whether they work in the field or company offices.

Daily the international team receives inquiries from both students and professors from across the globe, searching to not only educate those who attend their courses but to transform the forestry sector by making it more sustainable.

The majority of these inquiries hail from students and professors involved with Forestry Engineering and Information Technology academic studies. Queries vary from sharing their forestry tech related experiences, providing market advice, improving teaching techniques in both the classroom and on-site, and regionalizing the latest forestry techniques specific to that part of the world.

For example, at the beginning of 2018, Forestry Engineering student Ana Caroline Borges de Jesus, from Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia, in Brazil; downloaded Timbeter to conduct some research. Ana, as she researched the solution, she found it to be invaluable because of its usefulness, fast and straightforward ease. Ana also demonstrated the software to her classmates, and they too began using it.

Why not research Timbeter at your university?

Download the software and contact the team with a brief explanation of your studies – its primary goals, methods, study object, etc. For academic use, the Timbeter software is available for free to support both educational and vocational students, and in return, you’ll help the team and improve the software and contribute to making the forestry industry more sustainable.

In return, both professors and students agree to share the details of their studies and provide information about the process studied, images, measurements, reports and feedback by the end of the study.

If you are on a course in the following fields, then the team wish to hear from you:

  • engineering
  • mathematics
  • biology
  • information technologies
  • any forestry related studies

Timbeter’s mission is to make the timber industry more sustainable, eradicate illegal logging, and educate the next generation of timber industry professionals.

Want to know more about how to become a Timbeter partner? Contact us by email on

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